Submission of Abstract and Abstract

We submitted abstracts and abstracts on 30th March (Fri) and we have decided to submit.

Qualification requirements

First-time performers and joint performers are limited to members of the Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery.
※Even non-members will be permitted to announce those approved by the president by peer review.

Abstract submission deadline

Recruitment start Tue, February 13, 2018 noon
Recruitment end Fri, March 30, 2018 23:59

※Since access is concentrated immediately before the deadline, it is expected that registration will take time, so please register with time in margin.

※Although it is possible to change the registration subject until March 30 (Fri) 23: 59, after the deadline, you can not change abstract contents, title title, joint performer information or anything at all. Please make sure that important co-operators are never missing.

Presentation format

The presentation format is the following two types. The presentation format of each subject is decided by peer review and will be notified in March.

  1. 1) Oral Presentation
    Presentation 7 minutes, discussion 3 minutes
  2. 2) Symposium
    Depending on the review results, you may be presented on a general subject (oral presentation).
    The time allocation of the symposium will be notified from the secretariat at a later date.

Abstract submission method

All topics will be registered on the website. Please check the information on the application guidelines and submit your application. Recommended OS for the homepage registration website is Microsoft Windows 7, recommended browser is Internet Explorerpl. The Secretariat assumes no responsibility even if incomplete registration of abstract is caused by the user's computer environment.

Various provisions

Resolve compliance with the responsibility of the performer on ethical issues such as "Privacy Protection Guidelines" and "Helsinki Declaration", please apply.

Submission is limited to those unpublished at the time of application deadline. Unpublished means that both of the following are satisfied.

  1. The paper has not been published in a magazine.
    (Including cases where papers are posted on-line before publication of magazines.)
  2. It is unpublished in academic meetings both in Japan and abroad and publications with ISDN.
    (If the conference presentation that can collate research content is not done in a form like an abstract collection, it is unpublished. The subject of the presentation includes electronic media.)
    Note 1) We do not make the same research including the contents of some research, or the number of examined cases is different. In addition, it is also possible to announce research results that have already been announced at symposiums.

Information required for abstract registration

  1. Presenter name (Romaji)
  2. Co-sponsor information
  3. Name of medical institution
  4. Contact address (address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.)
  5. Title of Presentation
  6. Hope Presentation Form (Oral Presentation, Symposium)
  7. Select announcement category
  8. Abstract title (within 100 Japanese characters)
  9. Body (up to 800 characters in Japanese)
    ※In order to realize fair peer review, abstract text and titles do not include the facility name, and it is described as "our facility".
  10. Disclosure of conflicts of interest (If you have a joint speaker, you also need information on a joint speaker)

Notes on Abstract Submission

  • Single-byte characters are counted as one character, and spaces and HTML tags are included in the number of characters.
  • If you register a character other than JIS standard, it will result in an error and can not be registered. Please enter the character code as Shift JIS 1 byte code (half size character) or 2 byte code (full size character).
  • Please note that you may refrain from enclosing characters such as ①・② and Roman numerals such as Ⅰ and Ⅱ, as they may not be displayed correctly. (1) or I (alphabet I) and so on.
  • Abstract The only HTML tags that can be used in the text are italics, superscript subscripts only. When entering, please input as follows.
    Input method for italic characters <I>Characters to be italicized</I>
    In case of superscript <SUP>Characters to be superimposed</SUP>
    In case of subscript <SUB>Character you want to subscribe to</SUB>
    Example: To enter CO2CO<SUB>2</SUB>

    ※Please be sure to enter tags in half-width.

    ※HTML tags are not reflected in the text even if you use other than the above. Also, please be careful not to forget to close the tag, please be sure to confirm the output result of the body on the content confirmation screen.

    ※You can not use tags in the title.

Acceptance / rejection result

We will notify you by e-mail during March 2018 of the adoption / rejection result of the topic you entered.

Presentation unit

10 points